Shoe the 757 can call their own / by ARTCHILLES

A shoe design for the 757 to build our brand. Highlighting our region’s rich nautical history, I created a logo framing our 757 with a porthole, added dock rope trim, used a sand colored bottom sole, water blue midsole, and the 4 sides of a boat as the 4 sides of the shoe, emphasizing the STAR of the right side, STARboard, to emphasize that we are the stars of the 757 - this shoe doesn’t represent a single celebrity to add to their vast fortune, but it represents the region and its constituents. The friendly mammal - the dolphin at the front of the shoe serves to represent our welcoming nature, sort of an extended hand. Putting our best foot forward, I want these shoes to be manufactured locally to build “Made in the 757” brand.
